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Host Institute: National Observatory of Athens (NOA), Athens, Greece.

Secondment Institute: Christian Albrechts University (CAU) of Kiel, Kiel, Germany. 

Institute issuing the PhD diploma: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), Athens, Greece.


Advisory Board: Prof. Voulgaris N. (NKUA), Dr. Karastathis V. (NOA), Prof. Papadimitriou P. (NKUA), Dr. Papadopoulos G.A. (NOA), Prof. Thomas Meier (CAU).


Brief Description:


My PhD was part of the Zooming In between Plates (ZIP) ITN ( funded by the European Union. I have carried out my PhD at the National Observatory of Athens (Greece) in collaboration with the University of Kiel (Germany) and the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece). In brief, during my PhD: (1) I have analysed the relationship between the geometry and composition of the subducting slab and the distribution of shallow and intermediate depths earthquakes; (2) I have investigated the amuont and triggering capability of fluids in subduction zones by performing analysis of spatio-temporal clustering of seismcity at different depths and in different regions of the forearc; (3) I have used a seismic array to improve monitoring and locations of earthquakes in the outer forearc for the imaging of active tectonic structures (e.g. interplate seismogenic zone); (4) I investigated the tsunamigenic potential in the outer forearc of the Hellenic Subduction Zone (i.e. across and above the interplate seismogenic zone), where upper-plate faults such as faults splaying from the main plate interface and ground shaking triggered landslides seem to play a major role. 



The PhD thesis can be downloaded here



Bocchini et al., (2018).

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